
Buyer's checklist: What to consider before a website renewal?


A website renewal is a significant investment that requires careful planning. Our experts have created a buyer's checklist to help ensure your new website supports your business goals and serves your users in the best possible way.

1. Make sure your business goals are clear

Before starting the project, make sure you have a clear understanding of what you want to achieve with the new web service. Are you aiming to increase sales, strengthen your brand, improve customer experience, or perhaps reach new markets? Defining your business goals will help you and your digital partner make the right decisions throughout the entire process.

Don’t skip this step! Defining business goals is the foundation for all other decisions during the renewal.

2. Know your customers and consider the user experience you want to create

Who are the customers of your website, and what target groups do they form? It is important to know your customers and understand the needs, behavior, and expectations of those representing different target groups. This knowledge affects the website’s design, content, user experience, and ultimately, the business. A website designed with the customer experience in mind ensures a thriving business.

When you know and understand your customers, you can influence their user experience. Consider what you want your customers to be able to do on your site as efficiently and clearly as possible – such as buying a product, submitting a form, registering for an event, or reading content. Quality user experience and user interface design will help you with this. Visual appearance and usability are key to creating a positive user experience.

3. Clarify data collection and KPIs

Before preparing the proposal, define the key performance indicators (KPIs) that support your business objectives at a high level, and include the setup for measurement as part of the request for proposal, whether the implementation is handled by a website partner, marketing partner, or analytics partner. Planning and building measurement is much easier to implement as the project progresses than after the website redesign.

4. Set a realistic timeline and budget, and ensure sufficient resources

Strive to establish a realistic budget that covers all phases of the project, including design, implementation, testing, and maintenance. Also, consider potential additional costs, such as integrations and licenses.

Ensure you have enough time and personnel available throughout the entire project. A redesign requires commitment from the client as well, so take into account internal expertise and allocate time for participation. Content creation and input into the new system are often the client’s responsibility, so it’s wise to set aside internal time for this.

Website renewal is a multi-phase process that requires time. Typically, it’s advisable to allocate about 3-6 months for a website renewal, depending on the scope. We also recommend allowing extra time for unforeseen delays and changes.

It’s important to remember that you don’t need to complete everything at once. You can work with your digital partner to define the minimum requirements for the new website and continue with further development from there.

5. Consider technological requirements and integrations

Think about the technologies and platforms your new website will need. For instance, do you require a CMS that supports multilingual capabilities or integrations with CRM or ERP systems like HubSpot or Salesforce? Also, consider marketing needs – do you need integrations with marketing automation systems, ad platforms such as Google Ads, Meta Ads, or other social media channels? Clearly defining technological requirements in advance helps avoid issues later on.

6. Consider sustainability and responsibility (Sustainable Web)

Take into account the sustainability of the website and its environmental impact. This may include choosing energy-efficient servers, optimizing the site for lower energy consumption, and minimizing the carbon footprint. It’s important to consider sustainability directives and your company’s own responsibility goals to ensure the new website meets environmental requirements and supports sustainable development. Read more here.

7. Determine content management needs

Content is the heart of your website, so managing and optimizing it is crucial. Think carefully about how you want to handle and update content moving forward. Do you need an easy-to-use content management system (CMS) that allows you to update content without technical expertise, or do you have an in-house developer who can assist if needed? Carefully considering your content management needs in advance will help you choose the right system with your digital partner.

8. Determine the current state of search engine optimization (SEO) and needs

Search engine optimization is like the foundation of a house – it may not be visible, but it is essential for building a sustainable structure. SEO is a critical part of a website’s success, so make sure it is included in your request for proposals.

Ask service providers to explain how they will optimize your website for search engines during the redesign and what specific actions it will involve. At a minimum, it’s advisable to conduct keyword research, create a redirection plan, and perform technical optimization. By investing in SEO, you ensure that you get the best possible return on your investment and improve your website’s visibility in search engines.

9. Prepare for risks and changes

Consider the potential risks of the project and how they can be minimized. These could include technical challenges, budget overruns, key personnel leaving, or schedule delays. Also plan how you will manage changes that may arise during the project to ensure its overall success.

10. Prepare for service maintenance and further development.

A website renewal is not a one-time project but an ongoing process. Before starting the project, ensure that you have at least a preliminary plan for site maintenance and future development. This will help keep your site up-to-date and secure in the future. Learn more about our continuous development services here.

We’ll help you get started

The best part is that you don’t have to do this alone. We assist you in kickstarting and defining your project or further development to ensure your success. Get in touch with us if you are planning to renew your website and need some guidance – we’re here to help!


Niko Karppinen, Senior Analytics Consultant & Analytics Lead

Tuomo Karvinen, Project and Customer Solution Lead

Katja Vakula, Chief Design Officer

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