A new era for mobile

Hion Stories is the solution to the challenges of mobile user experience and communication. With Hion Stories, you can elevate the stories told on mobile to a new level and create visually stunning user experiences with ease!

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Elevate your mobile user experience to the next level!

Nowadays, online services are primarily used on mobile devices – for many services, mobile usage accounts for almost 90%! However, the mobile internet user experience has been stuck in the past decade. It’s high time to bring the mobile user experience of online services up to date!

Mobile user experience = clear, concise, and visual

With Instagram and TikTok, our use of mobile internet has become visual. For online services, this means long texts are often skipped when read on mobile devices – and important messages fail to reach their audience. With Hion Stories, you can ensure that the important messages on your website are noticed and read.

With the Hion Stories solution, you can convey your message visually, concisely, and with an excellent user experience.

What are the best use cases for Hion Stories?

Hion Stories is an excellent solution for showcasing products and services on mobile, sharing customer and employee stories, or presenting special content collections such as user guides.

Showcase products and services in a new way

With Hion Stories, you can create stunning visual product and service stories that highlight the unique features of your offerings.

Build your employer brand

With Hion Stories, you can easily create approachable employee stories to support your recruitment efforts.

Guide your customers on mobile

With Hion Stories, you can guide your customers through the onboarding of a product or service and provide in-depth content on the topic.

Effortless mobile storytelling with the Hion Stories editor

Creating and maintaining new stories is easy with the clear Hion Stories editor. You can integrate Hion Stories creation and maintenance into your existing content management system or manage it through a separate administration view. Connecting stories to your online service is simple with a single JavaScript code. You can create visually stunning and mobile-optimized stories with subpages from either existing or new content.

Hion Stories – Tell your story on your mobile site visually, concisely, and with an excellent user experience.

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