Digital service climate impact audit

Let's find out together the energy efficiency of your digital service and identify the key areas for improvement.

What does the carbon footprint of a digital service consist of?

The carbon footprint of the ICT sector is made up of the combined usage of various internet services. By reducing the carbon footprint of individual digital services, we can impact the overall carbon footprint of the ICT sector. Through the auditing of the climate impact of digital services, you will discover the energy efficiency of your own digital service, as well as ideas on how to develop the service in a more sustainable direction.

Benefits of climate impact auditing

Auditing the climate impact clarifies a company’s internal sustainability efforts regarding digital products.

  • Understanding the current state of the service’s carbon footprint
  • Concrete recommendations for actions to improve the service’s energy efficiency
  • Can be used as part of the company’s sustainability reporting

What is an environmentally responsible digital service like?

  • The energy used by the server environment is produced sustainably
  • The code is optimized, efficient, and lightweight, ensuring the digital service does not unnecessarily burden end devices
  • It does not include unnecessary video presentations, and image formats are optimized
  • It contains only the most essential information for users, and the user paths are efficient

"The workshop was an excellent kickstart for identifying the carbon footprint of our digital services. During the workshop, we created a preliminary list of actions we could take to better reduce our carbon footprint."

Tuuli Karjalainen, Valtiokonttori

Climate impact audit service packages


Lightweight website audit. An excellent way of getting a basic understanding of the climate impact of your digital service.

  • Overview of the website’s current state
  • Preliminary information form, kickoff meeting, and presentation of results
  • Report entails: general assessment of the website, key problem areas, and recommended actions


A more extensive audit that includes a workshop and defining service paths together with the client.

  • Comprehensive overview of the website’s state, including  user paths
  • Preliminary information form, kickoff meeting, client liaison interview, defining service paths with the client, presentation of results
  • Report entails: analysis by service paths, extended report, and recommended actions


Customized and insightful audit that provides comprehensive information that can be linked to ESG reporting, for example.

  • In-depth overview of the website as a whole
  • Preliminary information form, kickoff meeting, workshops, presentation of results
  • Report contents: assessment of the server environment, application code, and databases, Web Sustainability Guidelines (WSG) 1.0 report as applicable, company ESG reporting for the audited service, custom report as per agreement, e.g., project plan for improvement

Something like this for you as well?

Are you interested in climate impact auditing for your digital service? Contact our sales team today to discuss your service!

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How does one create sustainable web services?

Check out our downloadable guide, where we provide concrete tips on how to get started. The guide is in Finnish, for now.

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